Jan 31, 2012

dilemma LI

runsing fikir pasal LI (bace:Latihan Industri).
untuk pengetahuan umum *ehm* aku dah dapat acceptance letter dari satu company ni.
problem is, aku taktaw la same ade nak accept, or reject that company.

so, untuk membuat pilihan, aku da meng-listed kan pro's and con's if aku accept/reject the company.

kalau accept:
PRO: tak payah risau pasal nak cari tempat LI lagi.
PRO: dapat elaun. tak sia-sia sangat buat praktikal 3 bulan.
CON: mengapa mengapa mengapa tempat tu jauh dari rumah. susah la nak berulang-alik everyday.

what if somehow aku reject company tu:
PRO: *mungkin* ade harapan boleh dapat company yang lagi dekat dengan rumah.
PRO: *mane la tahu* dapat elaun lagi tinggi.
CON: macam mane if tak ade company yang reply *suspen*. silap-silap FKM hantar wat LI kat Johor *OH NO!*. tak boleh. tak boleh.

so, untuk mengakhiri dilemma ni, setelah berfikir dengan semasak-masak, aku telah decide untuk REJECT la company tu. muahaha~ *ketawa jahat*. aku telah terfikir untuk tergunakan baki-baki cuti yang ade ni nak pergi cari company yang dekat-dekat rumah aku dengan harapan ade la company yang nak amek aku buat LI. kalau company-company tu tak terima, taw la nasib diorang *senyum sinis*. muahahaha~

Jan 26, 2012


belajar untuk meluahkan *learn to express* sama ade perasaan, masalah, rahsia, atau ape-ape.

ada benda yang boleh diluahkan. tapi ade benda yang kena simpan untuk diri sendiri. tak semua bende boleh diluahkan walaupun perlu diluahkan. macam mane tu? contohnye aku suke dekat girlfriend kawan baek aku. takkan nak bagitaw die. nak mati?!

mostly orang sekarang pakai #mukabuku, #twitter, #blogger, etc untuk express feeling. yang membaca nye mestilah friends & followers yang terdiri daripada entah siapa-siapa. most important, ade diorang kisah pasal masalah korang? ade certain yang kisah - iaitu yang terdiri daripada kawan-kawan baik, family mahupun secret admire. yang tak kisah tu, semuanya cume penumpang-penumpang wall je. perlu ke tu?

ade yang lebih prefer untuk meluahkan pada kawan. lebih senang. pakai air liur je. tapi, kawan tu kena cari yang good listener. jangan cari yang hati keras macam batu. takde perasaan. bila bagitau masalah, buat bodooooh je. kawan macam tu, buat alas kaki toilet je.

ade certain people yang jarang meluahkan ape yang ade dalam kepala otak die. nak kate takde perasaan, tak juga. orang macam ni lebih prefer simpan dalam kepala je. mostly orang macam ni selalunya yang berkepala besar *ini gurauan*. bile die meluahkan, die sendiri tak amik kisah sangat.

apa-apa pun, meluahkan tu bagi aku adalah perlu so that kite ade other people untuk berkongsi masalah dan segala ape benda-benda yang memenuhkan kepala otak yang runsing lagi serabut ni.
(p/s : result makin banyak yang dah keluar dekat senarai tampal. runsing~)

Jan 20, 2012

Marathon Entry

this is the 2nd entry for today. i'm just too excited to blogging sampai tak ingat nak packing. besok nak balek kot! nevermind. i'll pack after this entry. no more entry after this *FOR TODAY ONLY*! HAHA

ok. back to the main point. this semester only i have 4 group project. firstly, nak cakap thanks to ALL my group members for your commitment in finishing our projects! walaupun masing-masing sibuk dengan test, final, presentation but still we manage to finish our project. give yourself a big applause *tepuk tepuk*

for this entry, i'm presenting my group members for... *drum roll*... Component Design project!! HAHA!

allow me to introduce my group members first:

1) the first one is Nazren a.k.a Mr. We-Should-Make-Discussion. this Mr is the one that always plan our project discussion whenever and wherever. so many discussion we done to complete our project. there's even a time that we had to do our discussion for half day long. very tiring! but thanks to this Mr, we are the first group to finish and submit our project! impressive!

2) second is Emmy a.k.a Miss Versatile-That-Knows-Everything. this Miss makes our presentation slide using i-forgot-the-name for our progress presentation. and know what, we got full mark for our presentation! *wow!*.. then this Miss also can make drawing using what-the-software-is which even i don't know how to use it. marvellous!

3) the last one is that person with the biggest smile in the picture - Pdot or what should we call him Mr. Always-Late-For-Meeting. Hey! it's me who you are talking about! so i can't describe myself. maybe Nazren or Emmy can describe this Mr perhaps. Haha

finally is our Handsome and Smart lecturer Dr Kasim! so cheerful. never seen him got angry. most important is you will not believe his age after you see his face. i'm not gonna reveal his age but he's looking very young like 30's. his secret? well, ask him. haha

and to Dr Kasim, we, group 3G would like to propose a big THANK YOU for teaching us this semester. hopefully you will not forget us and please give good grade for our Component Design. haHA!

Jan 19, 2012


Finally, it's the end of FINAL EXAM!!! i'm so excited giler that this semester has finally reaches the end. you can't tell how painful is this semester I have to go through.
it's time for FREEDOM people!! i'm having a very huge big smile that even my face ain't able to show it! HAHA! tapi happy-happy pun, there's still another 3 semester to be pass. as stated by Jay Sean (feat Nicki Minaj, 2011) that 2012, it ain't the end of the world *correct use of in-text citation*.

We Gonna Party Like, Party Like It's The End of The World
We Gonna Party Like, Like IT'S 2012!!

Jan 5, 2012


Tomorrow will be my first small step on stair towards SUCCESS. Hopefully I can do well and succeed to climb up all the steps to reach the SUCCESS.
This semester is quite tough for me... Not only the subjects, but with all the projects, assignments and presentation, those things really messed me up.
However, this semester did teach me a valuable lesson: "To finish your project is not impossible. It is YOU that made it not possible." Do I really just quote that? Haha. It just come out from my mind.
So hopefully you readers also get the lesson. Those who are struggling with your final exam, I wish you Good Luck and I hope we all could pass with flying colours!
(note: tomorrow is my English paper. so I thought of using fully English for this entry. hope you guys don't mind =))