Dec 24, 2011

Slide Ini

hello bloggerS~
long time no update. busy la. so mood nak mem-blog tu tak ade. hihi

so, as for today is MY BIRTHDAY, i want to thanks those who wish me and those who is yet to wish me. those still no wish, boleh lagi until midnight. lepas tu, tak payah nak "happy belated birthday" kat aku. haha. i'm 20 already. how do i feel? zero ar~ haha

past week just hav been the most busyEST week for me; fully loaded with tests, assignments, projects, presentation - ALL in ONE. seriously i'm lack of sleep - 3hours per night. seriously? ye la! ingat aku main-main ke.
sekarang ni aku kat rumah, boleh la rest mind and body sebelum final exam week - another brain-damaged week to go through.

actually, aku nak bagitaw pasal my English presentation. my most wonderful moment. kena puji by lecturer. bukan senang weyh. haha
before the presentation, banyak kali aku rehearse, rehearse, rehearse, dan rehearse. aku ni jenis yang cepat gemuruh. time rehearse, semua ok. tapi bile the real presentation depan kelas, i tend to forget everything. cuak dowh. so during presentation tu, i forgot my phrase. sebab aku memorize. selamat tulis nota kat tangan. refer la kejap-kejap.

i want to share with bloggerS my slide presentation yang you guys should make. ini bukan tipu-tipu ok. my lecturer English yang cakap. haha

credit to emmy :))

Good Luck guys untuk yang nak final exam nanti. aLL the BEST!! Hwaiting!