Jan 30, 2013


Aku sangat respek Bawani sebab dia boleh keluar kan all the facts about PTPTN, other countries education, peruntukan government and etc etc. plus, she can talk smoothly in front of the crowd! Hidup Bawani!

As a mahasiswa, aku sangat sokong statement Bawani. Though she shows less respect to Miss Sharifah, but above all she stands right.
About the Ambiga, pencetus anarki, A. Samad Said and orang gila statement tu aku tak nak amik port. Tapi  other than that, pasal free education, peruntukan government billion-billion tu, all the facts, teruja aku dengar. sampai la that Miss begins her "Listen...listen...listeeeeennnnn...".
Maybe she stops Bawani sebab dia macam dah lost control kot. Haha. Bawani tu pun nak shout kenapa. kan dah cakap depan mic. cakap slow-slow sudah. semua orang boleh dengar.

Then bila Miss Sharifah tu start bercakap, pointless. Maybe she feels insecure, so she starts mengarut bukan-bukan. Tak professional. Cakap macam takde knowledge.

Aku komen bukan sebab aku ni pandai. Tapi sebab aku rasa as a human, we should know which one is right and which one is wrong. Plus, aku memang takde kerja duduk rumah cuti ni. So elok la kutuk-kutuk bagi kritikan yang membina. Ini semua dari my point of view.

1) Listen... listen... listen... listen... listen... listen... listen... listen... listen... taktaw brapa kali she repeated that word. Annoying. Aku rasa dia takde idea nak cakap apa. So she keeps saying Listen Listen Listen.

2) When this is our programme, we allow you to speak. Actually the correct sentence is When this is our programme, only I can speak.

3) When I speak, you listen. Ok that's true. But when Bawani speaks, you also speak. So when you speak, then she has to listen. Habis tu bila masa nya that she can speak, and you will listen?? *facepalm*

4) Let me speak. Let me speak. (Repeated thousand times) She really have no idea what to say, don't she? *sigh*

5) I will tell you the answer to your questions. Sampai habis video tu aku tak dengar dia sebut pasal peruntukan government for education. The only suggestion she gives is What are you doing in Malaysia? Go to Cuba. Go to Argentina. Go to Libya. Go everywhere.

6) You have the very least of... Pendidikan. Statement ini sangat rude. It's just a mannerly way of saying You are stupid.

7) Animals have problem. and then she starts babbling about kucing, anjing, lembu, burung, ikan jerung *sigh* sangat irrelevant.

8) If you're not happy, you are very much suitable to go to another university. Aku tak sure la die memang cakap suitable or sound system tak clear. Tapi kenapa macam nak menghalau student from that university, die ingat die canselor ke? (is she?) But still not appropriate la to put statement like that.

sorry Miss Sharifah for criticizing your way. this is only my point of view. like you say, Ambiga buka mata kita untuk bercakap tentang human right kan. so I do :)

check out parody video by Mat Luthfi and the remix video! hilariouusss XD

Jan 29, 2013


(mood : Ainan Tasneem "Kamu Saja")

lama nye tak mendoodle. dah kata pn final year student.. mana nak ada masa.
kalau ada masa pn, teda mood nak writing. hahaaa

ok. tetibe teda idea nak tulis apa. idea overloaaddd~
nak tulis pasal final year, result, PSM, Sabah Trip, kenduri kahwin abang sedara aku, bla bla bla.
so since ada cuti 3 minggu ni, harap nye dapat la kill the timee sepanjang holiday ni untuk mem-blogging supaya tak terasa kebosanan di rumah. yeaahh! ok OUT dulu!